Thursday, February 7, 2013

Creating Balance through Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness
Collective consciousness in a common concept can be described in many ways than one. When we state collective consciousness as defined in Wikipedia's the set of common values and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society which was coined by a French sociologist Emile Durkheim. Whenever we attempt to think about it, it is also termed as the string that keeps people in a place and become united or be in harmony. However in this world we live in and the society that we are in, it is unavoidable that people grow to be absorbed in conflict since we can't reject that most of us have our personal beliefs, religions and civilizations that form us as to who we are. But collective consciousness isn't just about a single person anymore-it currently looks at values by society all together

If we look around us, allow us to make an effort to determine if collective consciousness is there. As much as today, conflict and arguments on various problems continue to occur and sometimes, it becomes so undesirable that's causes rifts between nations. As a matter of fact, even just a conflict in one country can turn out worse already.

However , due to the power of technology, getting the news out of making harmony gets to be easy to aid. The task posed here now is how we can entice individuals from various areas of the entire world to listen to what you have to say. Carrying this out is easier said than done. But before we go any much deeper to promote world peacefulness, we have to understand what collective consciousness is really about.

Collective consciousness is broad itself. However, not all people are mindful that collective consciousness, through being such a broad notion, occurs in many ways. Each day, we have up and start working. This is also a method of bring collective consciousness. Keep in mind, that whenever we all do our work nicely not only do we benefit from it but we all contribute to the business in which we are working at. When the company is capable to earn money, offer careers and provide quality service or make quality products, the economy gains advantage from it too. Thus at this point we can truly observe how society can benefit from this and the fact that most if not all persons in that place conform to work in order to obtain objectives even when they unconsciously am aware that collective consciousness is happening is definitely a move towards being unified.

Collective consciousness comes about every single day in big and small means. Often times, we're not aware of it but we are able to always think of it that so long as people in a society has the capacity to continue with their day to day lives without having to worry about wars and issues that will damage not only physical structures but lives also, then collective consciousness is at work. We have to bear in mind that before we could start making higher state of consciousness to occur, this determination to improve and begin peace has to start from within each of us.

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